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All Cameras >> Minolta >> Minolta XK

Minolta XK SLR Film Camera Sample Photos

Also known as Minolta X-1 in Japan.
Also known as Minolta XM
Film Size: 135 Picture Size: 24x36mm
Marketed: 1972
Lens Mount: MC
Random Minolta XK Samples from 53 available Photos more
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g1/76/792076/3/110492292.NFMLr1Gu.jpg g3/76/792076/3/120199333.eIhGIJP5.jpg g3/10/732610/3/124952752.sLJ8hpBd.jpg g4/76/792076/3/91276405.kBXGUbp4.jpg
g1/76/792076/3/116689274.RKSuC8rL.jpg g3/76/792076/3/120199032.drZoHhHI.jpg g5/06/8406/3/106613762.CIuJvy3W.jpg g2/07/527607/3/147087745.wgra2Mj1.jpg


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