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B Thomas Johnston | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for B Thomas Johnston
Name B Thomas Johnston (joined 21-May-2004) (pbase supporter)
Username johnstob
Location Australia
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View Galleries : B Thomas Johnston has 66 galleries and 4213 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 1169287 times.

View Guestbook : 35 messages. Most recent on 01-Sep-2011.

Message from B Thomas Johnston
Welcome to my galleries, I hope you enjoy your wander through them.

I live in South-East Queensland, Australia. Most of my images are around these parts, but I do a fair amount of traveling also. Got to my Travel Gallery to see where I get to.

I shoot in both 35mm film and digital formats with Canon gear. My digital shots come from a Canon EOS 10D and 5D with Canon L series lenses. My underwater shots come from a Canon Powershot A85 4 megapixel. Just recently I have replaced the PowerShot A85 with a Powershot G10 for general and underwater work.

All images are reduced to a very low resolution for viewing over the Internet. Most of the images listed here are for sale. If you are interested in purchasing an image please leave me a private message on this site or at "contact at ben johnston photography dot com" for terms and conditions. (note: email address has been sanitized to prevent email harvesting) I now accept PayPal transactions.
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